Church Music
The purpose of the music ministry at Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to:
- Serve the liturgy and support the proclamation of the Gospel
- Engage the congregation in the vibrant singing of hymns and liturgy
- Offer music that draws the listener towards the contemplation of their faith
Mount Olive Choir
The Mount Olive Choir is composed of about two dozen singers and rehearses regularly on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. This choir is open to young adults and adults who have previous experience singing in a choir. The choir’s repertoire is broad, including chant, chorales, motets, cantatas, polyphony, anthems, and spirituals. This choir sings most Sundays from September through June.
Schola Cantorum
The Schola Cantorum (singer’s school) is Mount Olive’s children’s choir program. This choir sings for about ten to twelve services a year. The Schola Cantorum is an RSCMA affiliated choir. The choir program gives young musicians an exceptional musical experience in the context of the church’s liturgical life and cultivates lifelong musicians for service in the church.
This choir is open to all children between the ages of eight and fourteen who
- Can match pitch accurately
- Can commit to rehearsal and service schedule
- (For boys) Have not begun their voice change
Membership in the choir is open to all children and youth who can make the scheduling commitment regardless of church membership.
Each summer Mount Olive Lutheran Church hosts Schola Cantorum Camp — a one-week day camp filled with music making and growth, faith formation, and fun.
Learn more about Schola Cantorum:
Handbell Ensemble
Ringers gather for rehearsals as scheduled throughout the year to play music for services. This is a great opportunity for fun music making, fellowship, and less commitment than singing with one of the choirs. Basic music reading skills are helpful when participating in this ensemble.
The Brass Choir and other instrumentalists play regularly in services and rehearse as needed.
Mount Olive is blessed with:
- A 3-manual, 45-rank pipe organ built by Berghaus in 1987
- A single manual harpsichord built by Roger Anderson in 1989
- A 1978 Model O Steinway grand piano
- A five-octave set of Mallmark handbells

Stephen Rosebrock
Stephen Rosebrock
· Kantor
· School Principal
· Music Teacher
B.Mus.Ed., Baldwin Wallace College Conservatory of Music
M.Div., Concordia Theological Seminary
M.A., St. John’s University
Kantor Stephen Rosebrock leads the music ministry for the church and school at Mount Olive; he directs the choirs, serves as organist, teaches music in the school, and plans the liturgical life of the church and school. He is certified as a Feierabend Association for Music Education music teacher in First Steps in Music and Conversational Solfege. In 2023 he was the recipient of The Neubauer Prize for Urban Teaching. Stephen is a long-time member of the Royal School of Church Music–America, having served on its board of directors and as a staff member for their summer courses. While serving in St. Louis, he was an adjunct faculty member at Concordia Seminary teaching courses in liturgy, directing choirs, and serving as organist. Outside of ministry, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking and baking from scratch, reading, and singing with the Milwaukee Chamber Choir.