What to Expect
Who belongs at Mount Olive?
You are welcome at Mount Olive! When you visit Mount Olive you will find people from all walks of life and all ages gathered together around God’s word and sacraments to receive His grace. Whether you’re a lifelong Lutheran or someone entering a church for the first time, we would love for you to join us!
Our 9:30am Sunday morning service is interpreted into ASL
Limited handicap parking is available in our parking lot on 54th Street. Door W2 on the southwest corner of the church is at street level. Enter Door W2 and turn left, continuing to the other end of the church parlors to access the elevator.
What are services like at Mount Olive?
When you arrive, you will be greeted and given a service folder. This contains the Scripture readings for the service as well as a guide for participating in the service. In the pew, you will find a hymnal (songbook) so that you can participate in the service. Hymn numbers are also posted at the front of the sanctuary next to the balcony. We follow a cycle of readings that relives the story of salvation each year; every Sunday readings are drawn from the Old and New Testaments and psalms are prayed and sung. You will hear preaching that challenges you and cultivates growth in your spiritual life. Music supports participation in the service, whether it be singing psalms and hymns, contemplating the text sung by the choir, or simply taking in the beauty of instrumental sacred music.
Communion (the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist) is celebrated at our weekend services. Visitors who have not communed at Mount Olive before are asked to speak with the pastor before communing. Those not communing with us are welcome to walk to the front during the communion time to receive a blessing. You may indicate this preference by crossing your arms across your heart as the pastor approaches for communion.
What about kids?
Children of all ages are encouraged to worship with their families throughout the service. We understand that teaching children about worship can be challenging. Whether your child is in the stage of observing parents or fully participating in the service, we love having children in worship! Kids activity bags are available in the Narthex as you enter the main doors. A mother’s room is located across from the women’s restroom downstairs in the Church Parlors.
What else should I know?
After the service, everyone is invited downstairs for a time of fellowship followed by Sunday School for early childhood through fifth grade, as well as middle school, high school, and adult Bible studies.
Where do I park?
Our parking lot is accessed via 54th St. which is a one-way street running north. There is also ample street parking on Washington Blvd. and 53rd Street (one-way, southbound). Door W2 on the southwest corner of the church is at street level with access to the elevator.